
The plant of Tobacco is originated from America. The Indians used to smoke their leaves coiling them as cigars.

It was a belief of the indians that this was a magic plant because it could make "visible" the breath, the Spanish people took this plant to Europe where it began to be used about the 17th century.

< >.(03/05/08).

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008


¿What is an Addiction?
An Addiction is a disease that presents a group of signs and symptoms on the Physical (Biological), Emotional (Psychological) and Social Bases (Social).

But first to really understand this definition we have to know the real difference between a Sing and a Symptom.

Sign. - It is the Physical Manifestation of something and it can be measured, such as the temperature in our body that is measured in degrees or the amount of pulses in our heart.
Symptom.- It has to do more with our subjective idea of things, things that are not visible to others neither can be measured, thing we only feel as individuals such as nausea, pain, anxiety, etc. Things we can only know we are feeling but do not know or can't measured in another person.
So, as we know and understand this definition the next think that is involve in the topic is nicotine, and the fact that it is a drug. So with this fact we know that drugs create a certain grade of dependency in our body being consumed with certain frequency, meaning that they have a high or low capacity of addiction.

In the absence of drugs what is produce is called a physical and mental reaction that can be compare to the natural mechanism that we use in order to regulate our necessity of eating or drinking, with drugs we called it "Mono", feeling the necessity of the consumption of this drug.

Tolerance: Is the need to increase the dosis to get the same effects due to the substance adaptation in the organism.

this is also a important topic when talking about the consumption of cigarettes and can be explain easily seeing that a neuron is already use to the substance of the tobacco it has a NEED of tobacco so the neuron increase the dosis in order to feel the same as when it wasn’t used to the substance, in this topic we are already talking about an intoxication, this one begins with the first infection or the first cigarette, even if I do not feel it or others watch it.
Abstinence: Group of psychological and physical symptoms that appear when the person interrupts or decreases the consumption of the substance, in this case the nicotine, that were satisfying the need.

When we talk about abstinence we are talking exclusively with what we feel when we are not intoxicating our body, the sensations we experiment but others may not when we stop the consumption of the nicotine and how it does affect us, this symptoms are not measured and are only visible to us.

By a mechanism of natural protection our body generates a tolerance that is being developed to drugs, making it even more immune more effective talking about elimination that is the reason by which the addict has to continue the consumption of the drug in higher quantities in order to feel the same effects or to avoid the abstinence syndrome.

Finally talking about depression in the body, this is a chemically unbalance situation in our organism it can be present in different kinds of moods but it is certainly closed to smoking sensations and would help us understand better other aspects of nicotine.
Bibliography.- <>.(03/05/08).

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